jesus calling january 6th

I have much more power than you could ever ask or conceive. Come to Me with hope, knowing that nothing is impossible for Me to do. So that you might think wonderful thoughts about Me, ask My Spirit to take charge of your thoughts. Do not let the fact that many of your prayers have not yet been answered deter you. Time is a teacher, teaching you to rely on Me in the dark and to wait for Me. You are more likely to recognise My Power and Glory at work in a scenario the more extreme your circumstances are. Try to see obstacles as preparing the stage for My spectacular intervention rather than allowing them cause you to worry. Do not close your eyes or your mind to what I am doing in your life.
Philippians 3:20–21
Standard English Version

Now to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. He is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. Amen.

Rom. 8:6

Standard English Version

Because focusing on the physical is a recipe for death, but focusing on the spirit brings life and tranquilly.

40:30–31 in Isaiah

Version New King James

Even young people will tyre and become dizzy.

And the young males will completely collapse.

however, those who await the Lord

regain their strength;

They will ascend on wings similar to eagles,

They will run without being tired,

They will walk without stumbling.

Revealing verse 5:13

Standard English Version

“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honour and glory and might forever and ever,” said every living thing in heaven, on earth, beneath the earth, in the sea, and everything that resides in them.

My Message (1.6.13)

Here I am, Lord, still wanting to rely on You, still wanting to be in Your Presence, still wanting to be at Peace and still wanting to put my complete trust in You. And You are still there, telling me that You are capable of doing far more than I could ever hope or dream of. I’m trying to give You control of the car situation once more. My wife awoke up in the middle of the night wondering why the car didn’t perform well going up a very little hill and smelling fireplace smoke coming out of the vent. It has come down to whether to agree to buy it. I thus consider simply asking him to have my mechanic examine it. I just need to exercise caution.

I’m fine, Lord, whatever you want to do with this church class on defending your religion. I’m OK whether there are a few people there, none at all, or a sizable crowd. I can fill a lot of time, and I’m good at whatever you want of me. I would adore to see people wanting to work in your crop. And I will continue to ask that you bring up people who will be more fired up than I am to proclaim Your truth. Likewise, I am eager to learn from this training. Even still, I feel anxious about the material and what it requires of me.

I beg Your Spirit to guide my thoughts, Lord. I beg that only thoughts that honour you be allowed to dominate my mind. I hold up my friend K to you, O Lord, and ask that you punish him. discipline my son, the oldest. Teach them both to complete daily tasks that must be completed. and guide their decision-making. And for them to be at ease as they lay their heads on their pillows each night.

Lord, I thank You for the personnel and the leaders of my church. I offer prayers for each person and any additional seniors you may have in this body. Lord, I pray that each person is sincerely longing and seeking to learn more about You. I ask that they give themselves completely to You each day and spend time in prayer and Bible study. Develop them and encourage them to represent Your name as ambassadors. Move them to serve as harvest workers. I ask that their marriages respect You and serve as a source of inspiration for those around them, both inside and outside the Body. Bring them nearer to You, and provide them contentment. Help them to always have faith in You and to remain joyful and appreciative. Lord, grant them discernment. They instruct us and the body in the roles that seniors are intended to play in the body. And encourage the Church to completely submit to their authority. Lord, I hope that people won’t submit to them because they agree with their decisions. Instead, I ask that You teach the body that by submitting to them, we are also submitting to You.

I offer daily prayers for the deacon leaders, directing them in their duty and bolstering them as they carry on with their duties outside the home. Give them time with You, with their responsibilities, and with your leadership as they look to you for guidance on the job of deacons in our body.

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